In what can be called as the grandest entry of a Pakistani actor into Bollywood Mahira Khan, will be making her debut in Ritesh Sidwani and Farhan Akhtar's 'Raees' opposite superstar Shah Rukh Khan. The pretty actress is upbeat about it as she says she "was neither waiting for a perfect script from Bollywood nor had she read any."
In an interview to the Express Tribune, Mahira Khan, who got instant fame in India with her Pakistani show 'Humsafar' opposite Fawad Khan with her portrayal of Khirad, further states, "I got a call for an audition and wasn't told the exact details of the film, except the names of the producers and the director (Rahul Dholakia), both of whom I liked. Once I read the scenes, I found them to be interesting and went ahead and auditioned for the role."
Media reports had suggested that SRK landed up at Mahira's audition. She says, "I was nervous before the audition and thought I'd forget all my lines. I did meet Shah Rukh. He was very kind."
Last it was Deepika Padukone and Anushka Sharma who debuted opposite SRK in 'Om Shanti Om' and 'Rab Ne Banaa Di Jodi', so chances are that Mahira Khan will follow suit. And there are chances too that one can get overshadowed by the superstar in such a movie. "I don't worry about such things. If my co-actor shines, it means I have shone as well and vice versa. These are not the kind of thoughts I focus on. I read a script, met my director and went with my instinct," Mahira says.
She further expresses her elation over working with SRK and Nawazuddin Siddiqui, who plays a cop in the movie. "I'm a fan of both Shah Rukh and Nawaz.
Luckily, I've had the chance to perform with some of the best actors in Pakistan, who helped me out a lot on set. I also learnt a lot from them and hope for the same with Shah Rukh and Nawazuddin," says she.
Talking about her nationality, she gives a rather intelligent thought. "Only a good actor has an edge over a weak actor. A hardworking actor has an edge over a lazy actor. Nationality has nothing to do with it," the acting sensation signs off.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015 15:21 IST