After south Indian actress, Khushboo, who was in the midst of controversy recently for making some remarks on 'premarital sex', Bollywood actresses, Shilpa Shetty and Reema Sen, got into trouble, when a Madurai court issued them summons in connection with the publication of "obscene pictures" in a Tamil eveninger.
Judicial Magistrate issued the summons on a petition moved by Mr Dhakshinamoorthy, a practising advocate.
Both the actresses and the publisher of the eveninger, 'Tamil Murasu', R N Murugan, had been directed to appear in person in court on March 10.
The petitioner had submitted that the paper had carried "sexy blow ups" and "medium posters" in its issues on seven days in December and January.
The petitioner contended that the publication of the obscene photographs of the two Bollywood stars, as well as others, in the eveninger was an affront to the dignity and self respect of women.
"Apart from "misleading the youth, the pictures would also increase violence against women", the petition said.
The pictures should be confiscated under the provisions of the Press and registration of Books Act, 1967, it further demanded.
Thursday, February 16, 2006 12:53 IST