Bollywood actresses Malaika Arora and Amrita Arora, both sisters, have featured in Pakistani singer Waris Baig's new album Teray Bina. The album was shot in Mumbai.
Waris said he would cast Diya Mirza in his next album but her availability depended on her free time.
He said that unlike Pakistani actresses, Indians were more professionals in the manner that they did not agree to perform in the videos without listening to the songs.
"She liked the songs and we had a three-day shooting spell in Bombay," the Daily Times quoted him as saying about Malaika.
He further said that the two actresses had performed in the videos of two songs - Teray Bina and Zulf Da Kundal. The videos would go on air before Basant or two days after it, the Pakistani singer added.
Monday, February 20, 2006 14:53 IST