Though the actress has never denied the relationship, the actor lashed out at the media after reports of his association with the actress made headlines. The duo has worked together in two films, however, they were just cordial back then. But sources close to them say that their friendship grew post their second film.
Thursday, February 05, 2015 14:22 IST
This actress was spotted below an actor's new house. She apparently went to see him off before he left for a two-month outdoor shooting schedule. There have been several speculations about the duo's chemistry and it is also believed that the actress is working on the interiors of this actor's house.
Shot in the dark: This actress was spotted below an actor's new house
Though the actress has never denied the relationship, the actor lashed out at the media after reports of his association with the actress made headlines. The duo has worked together in two films, however, they were just cordial back then. But sources close to them say that their friendship grew post their second film.
Though the actress has never denied the relationship, the actor lashed out at the media after reports of his association with the actress made headlines. The duo has worked together in two films, however, they were just cordial back then. But sources close to them say that their friendship grew post their second film.