Reema Sen is upset with the recent case of her alleged sleazy pictures in a Tamil daily. The actress says that she has not received summons over the same from the court, but would definitely like to face the case.
"The pictures are not bad and I don't know why there is a hue and cry over it. It was a normal photo shoot with the hero of the film Vallavan. I don't know the advocate and why he has gone to national television channels claiming that I posed for such pictures," she says.
She says that she has refused many feature films in Bollywood when the roles required her to expose. "I would definitely like to get into the matter and clear it out. I will not take it easily. The entire episode has upset me and if they are the same pictures, then I would definitely not call them sexy or sleazy," claims the actress.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006 15:32 IST