Actress Neha Sharma's last film, Youngistaan, which didn't do well in India, was submitted as an independent entry to the Oscars sometime back according to the Times of India.
Ask her on it and she says,"Honestly, everybody had an opinion about Youngistaan making it to the Oscars and I am not saying that we have made the best film of the year. But I don't know what is the parameter of a good film and a bad film or a successful film and a not-so-successful film. There are times when good films are not successful and there are times when bad films are successful. Of course there were some fantastic films that people would have wanted to go to the Oscars, like everyone is telling me that PK is the most coolest film of the year.
But I don't know if deserves an Oscar. Frankly speaking, I never thought that Youngistaan was going to make it to the Oscars. But when I found out, I was obviously happy 'coz I was a part of the film. Everybody works very hard on their film. And when it is recognised at any level, it is great. I am not going to say that 'Oh My God! Really? Why? Please pull our film down and put some other film up.' It is every film's luck and no one can take that away from us."
Friday, February 06, 2015 12:52 IST