Chicken tikka masala and Bollywood leading lady Aishwarya Rai top Will Smith's list of favourites in India. He also says he's keen to see the Taj Mahal on his first trip to India.
The American movie and music star is in India for a week to launch Sony Entertainment's new English language movie channel, Pix, and make a guest appearance on Indian Idol, India's version of the US hit, according to a media report.
His first impressions? "Just recently I got to know the number of films Bollywood makes a year-a whopping 800. And each with its share of song, music, dance and drama," he was quoted as saying.
"I am simply enticed to be part of it," he said, adding, "I also want to explore the possibility of a collaboration between Hollywood and Bollywood", as India's film industry is known.
But, of course, he's got preferences.
"I would do anything that Aishwarya Rai will be part of," he said. "I love her so."
And then there's the food and history. "I also want to taste the authentic chicken tikka masala," said Smith, who also plans to see the Taj Mahal.
"Ever since childhood, I've heard a lot about the culture and colours of this country," he was quoted as saying. "I will try to gather as much as possible, though I am being constantly cautioned by my wife to leave some things for our next visit together."
Wednesday, February 22, 2006 12:23 IST