They got engaged last year in a very private way but looks like actor Kunal Kapoor and Naina Bachchan, daughter of Ramola and Ajitabh Bachchan have topped that with their wedding which took place yesterday (Monday Feb 9) in the idyllic Seychelles islands.
A well placed source informs us that Kunal and Naina got married in an intimate beach ceremony on an island in the Seychelles with only their immediate families present. Kunal has always been known to do things his own way and a quiet wedding falls right in line. It's been a few years since we heard about their relationship and recently one has been seeing them out together more often in public although always keen to keep their personal life out of the media's gaze.
Sources say that Kunal and Naina were introduced to each other by Naina's cousin Shweta Bachchan Nanda. It is believed that the couple plans to host a reception soon in the capital where her parents live.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015 14:36 IST