Director Kalpana Lajmi is very upset with the kind of collections her latest film Chingari had at the box-office. She had thought the multiplexes would help the film commercially but it has turned out to be the other way round. Also, those who have seen the movie have praised the work of three leads of the film Sushmita Sen, Mithun and Anuj but are disappointed with Kalpana's direction skills.
So now, Kalpana is now trying to put the burden of failure on Mithun Chakraborty and Anuj Sawhney. She revealed that she had a tough time shooting with them.
She said, "Mithun could not digest the fact that Sushmita Sen had more powerful role then him. The scenes shot with him and Sush would leave him shocked and after the shot he would abuse me and give me choicest of gaalis.
She added, "I also had a tough time dealing with Anuj and his father. His father put in Rs. 2.5 crores and Anuj thought he could get away with anything. I am feeling sad", she said.
She also had to taste the burns of Anuj remarks in the press about lip-lock scenes with Sen where Lajmi's plans of publicising the film were jeopardized.
Now Kalpana is thinking of making a light entertainer with actress Amisha Patel rather than a serious subject, although she has a script of an intense film ‘Devdasis' ready to which top actresses like Rekha and Priyanka Chopra have agreed to be part of. Her next is titled ‘Kab Ayega Mr. Right' where Amisha Patel will be longing for her Mr. Right.
Thursday, February 23, 2006 13:29 IST