The Tamil Nadu Film Producers Council (TFPC) has strongly condemned the decision of the distributors of "Lingaa" to go on a mass begging protest and hold superstar Rajinikanth accountable for the film's losses.
"Rajini sir's films have always had very high success rate. People who are usually associated with his films have mostly gained. It's unfair to hold him responsible for the losses of his film 'Lingaa'. We strongly condemn the decision of the distributors to beg for compensation," read a statement from TFPC.
A group of distributors of "Lingaa", who suffered heavy losses, had requested a refund of about Rs.35 crore.
When producer Rockline Venkatesh agreed to settle only about 10 percent of the losses, the distributors decided to go on a begging protest outside Rajinikanth's residence here.
"It's unethical to harass Rajinikanth sir and producer Venkatesh. This matter has to be resolved amicably," added the statement.
Directed by K.S. Ravi Kumar, "Lingaa" had released on Rajinikanth's birthday last year Dec 12. It also featured Sonakshi Sinha and Anushka Shetty in important roles.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015 13:48 IST