Richa Chadha, who is currently shooting for Sudhir Mishra's Aur Devdas in Delhi, met with an accident on the sets recently. As part of a scene, she was required to ride a two-wheeler, but it ended in a big fall for her.
Says a source, "Richa does not have experience in riding a two-wheeler. But post a few practice sessions through the day, she was ready for the scene. As soon as the camera started rolling, she covered a little distance and skidded off the road creating a bit of a panic on the sets. She bruised herself badly and has sprained her leg as well."
A unit hand adds that the little mishap led the makers to suspend the shoot for the day. "But she resumed shoot in a couple of days and will be in Delhi till the end of next week," the source states.
Richa admitted to have hurt herself, saying: "I was riding the two-wheeler for the scene and the production car slowed down. To avoid hitting the camera, I applied the brakes and fell down. I hurt my foot and have sustained some deep bruises. I continued to shoot which worsened my injury."
Thursday, February 19, 2015 14:23 IST