Bollywood actress turned talk show host, Pooja Bedi, reportedly said in an interview on Monday that
stars should use their celebrity status to push progressive ideas in society.
Known as the Kama Sutra girl for her past endorsement of Kama Sutra condoms, Bedi has become a
symbol of liberated women in the often conservative Indian society.
"Celebrities are the best medium to plant strong, progressive ideas in society as people emulate
them," Bedi reportedly said.
Bedi, who is also an author and fashion designer, was talking to the paper after winning a woman's
achievement award for her talk show, Just Pooja.
Bedi attributed the success of her show to the intimate details she gets stars to reveal.
"Celebrities from all walks of life, passionately discussing issues that affect their lives give the show
that added edge," she said. "their candid confessions touch a chord with the viewers."
Monday, February 27, 2006 15:27 IST