Choreographer-turned-actor Ganesh Acharya's film, also starring Hanif Hilal, will now be releasing on March 6. Earlier, the film was supposed to release on February 27.
The director, Ajay Chandok, and the producers felt that there are many films releasing on February 27, and the makers wanted to book more screens for the film. 'Hey Bro' has been produced by Ganesh Acharya's wife Vidhi Acharya. The film will have Hanif Hilal as the anti-hero.
The cast of the film has been doing city tours as of now and will now be promoting the film a week more.
A source close to the development told us, "The film has good buzz and we felt it's sensible to wait and book more screens for our film. Right now the city tours are going on and we will be promoting the film for a week more now."
Actor Hanif Hilal said, "The movie will now release on March 6th, the makers didn't foresee earlier that Holi was around the corner. We have been a fabulous responce to the promotion. So now we get a week more to promote the film. What better day than holi for the film to release. The movie is colourful and so is the festival. It's a perfect blend."
Saturday, February 28, 2015 14:23 IST