Writer Jyoti Kapoor has moved the Bombay High Court demanding a stay on the release of Kunal Kohli's 'Phir Se', reiterating allegations that the film, slated for a May release, has been influenced by a story she once discussed with him. The case is likely to come up for hearing on March 25.
Lawyer Rahul Ajatshatru says, `Yes, Jyoti Kapoor has filed a case against Kunal Kohli and others asking for restraining release of the film Phir Se.`
The 'Daawat-E-Ishq' co-writer had, in November last year, accused Kohli of plagiarism. Through media reports on the film, Jyoti found the plotline was eerily similar to a story she had narrated to Kohli in January 2013. He, however, denied the allegations but was asked to put his film's shoot on hold till the case was resolved.
The FWA, which sent both scripts to experts for comparison, ruled in Jyoti's favour. Producer Trilok Malhotra, who is currently making a film on Jyoti's script, had also had filed a complaint with Indian Motion Picture Producers Association. After this, a dispute settlement committee was called by the Federation of Western Indian Cine Employees wherein Malhotra and Kohli were called to resolve the issue.
Despite repeated attempts, Kohli did not revert to our text messages or e-mails.
Saturday, March 21, 2015 14:22 IST