According to a report, Hansal Mehta is in talks with Kangana Ranaut for the biopic of the Indian death row prisoner, Sarabjit Singh. The film revolves around Sarabjit's relationship with his sister, Dalbir Kaur, who spent most of her life fighting to free her brother from a Pakistani jail, the report stated. While they are still looking for an actor to play Sarabjit, Kangana has apparently been approached to play his sister.
The news of Sarabjit's death created a national furore and his sister's struggle to free her brother captured the nation's imagination. Hansal's spokesperson was quoted in the report, "Yes, Hansal has met and spoken to Kangana. An official announcement will be made when things are finalised."
Kangana told Mirror that she was really impressed with Hansal's script. "The role spans 16-46 years and is a challenge in itself. I myself share a really close bond with my siblings. Rangoli is around four years older than me but there's just a gap of a year-and-a-half between me and my younger brother who is a pilot. We've grown up eating from each other's plates, so I can completely empathise with the relationship Dalbir and Sarabjit shared."
Tuesday, March 24, 2015 13:25 IST