The Rajnikant starrer ‘Chandramukhi', which grossed more than Rs 100 crores is all set to be made in Hindi and has none other than Amitabh Bachchan in the lead role of a psychiatrist, who comes to India from New York for the treatment of the female protagonist in the film.
Tells Harish Dayani, C.E.O., Sa Re Ga Ma, which is co-producing the film with K.S. Rama Rao, "Mr. Bachchan's august presence in the film was decided from day one, when we jointly decided to acquire the remake rights of the film. He too liked the story immensely."
He also adds that they have decided to follow the original Malayalam script and screenplay of the original Chandramukhi, which was directed by Fazil in 1994. "It is the first and original version of the film. However we intend to make modifications and adapt it to the sensibilities of the Hindi audiences," he says.
Apparently Sa Re Ga Ma and the co-producer, K.S. Rama Rao, paid an unheard price for the remaking rights of the film, beating all other contenders in the race to acquire it. "We did pay a very big price.
A project of this stature definitely comes at a price," Dayani reveals. The film will be shot extensively in New York and Rajasthan.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006 14:44 IST