Filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt on Tuesday said he had completed the script for an upcoming movie that
explores the mind-set and motivations of a would-be suicide bomber. The film is said to be launch pad
for Bhatt's 21-year-old son Rahul.
Based loosely on the events of the London subway bombings, "Suicide Bomber" will begin filming in
London in July and then shift its location to Kashmir, Bhatt said.
It is a story of a British-born character who pulls out of a suicide mission and then flees to India, his
mother's homeland, where he begins to question his mission and the killing of innocent people.
He wants to cast new faces in his film and is still finalizing the rest of the crew. Despite its grave story
line the film will be laced with touching song and dance sequences which are very much part of
Bhatt's films.
While the movie will not recount the July 7 suicide bombings in London that killed 52 people, Bhatt
said the attacks gave him the idea for a film: to explore what goes through the mind of a would-be
bomber born in Britain to a Pakistani father and Indian mother enraged by what he perceives to be
discrimination following the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States.
Thursday, March 09, 2006 17:31 IST