Actor Jaya Bachchan, facing disqualification from the Rajya Sabha for holding an office of profit, Friday moved the Supreme Court to clarify the term.
Bachchan, in her petition, urged the court to define the circumstances or situations under which a person was deemed to be holding an office of profit with the centre or with a state government.
The Election Commission has recommended to President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam that Bachchan be unseated as she chairs the Uttar Pradesh Film Development Corporation that the poll body says is an office of profit.
She submitted that before being elected to the Rajya Sabha, she had resigned as the corporation chair but resumed the post without a salary due to pressure from the state government.
It was, therefore, necessary for the court to clearly define the term office of profit, she maintained.
Saturday, March 11, 2006 17:14 IST