Megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who walked the ramp with his daughter Shweta Bachchan-Nanda to lend support to actress-activist Shabana Azmi's NGO Mijwan Welfare Society (MWS), says the cause has encouraged women in Mijwan, a small town in Uttar Pradesh, to increase their embroidery business.
"...the cause is bigger than the ramp. Mijwan is a small town in UP, and Shabana Azmi's father came from there. Every year now Shabana conducts this ramp fashion show to collect money for the very skilled villagers of Mijwan who do exquisite work on clothes," the 72-year-old wrote on his blog.
"They are poor people... so we collect here and send it to them for their survival and encourage them to make the embroidery that you see. They are most talented in this intricate art on the cloth, indeed whatever we are wearing, all of us, has been done by these citizens of the region," he added.
Big B, who walked the ramp donning a black and white sherwani here on Saturday, also posted some photographs in which he is seen sashaying down the ramp with Shweta.
Apart from Amitabh, his wife Jaya and son Abhishek, Shatrughan Sinha and his daughter Sonakshi, Anil Kapoor and his daughter Sonam, Javed Akhtar and his son Farhan also walked for the cause in creations by ace designer Manish Malhotra.
Monday, April 06, 2015 13:08 IST