Nikhil Advani postpones the shooting of his Kangna Ranaut-starrer 'Katti Batti' to allow the actress to wrap up the shoot and promotions of her another film 'Tanu Weds Manu Returns'
Kangna Ranaut had been juggling the shoot of Anand L Rai's next and Nikhil Advani's 'Katti Batti' for quite some time. However, earlier this month, she had to devote herself completely to the former as its release date was advanced by a fortnight. But, Nikhil was far from upset about her unavailability - he happily readjusted dates of his film's shoot for the actress' convenience.
A source says, "Rai's film will be wrapped up by April 12. Post that Kangna will join the Katti Batti unit for a brief shoot spanning over five days as the payment for the location has been made well in advance. Then she will start promotions for Rai's film and after it releases by end of May, she will continue with Nikhil's project."
Nikhil confirms the story, saying: "There was no question but to accommodate the dates and schedule once we were told that Kangna's other film release was being advanced. It's a standard practice to help fellow filmmakers and I am sure Anandji would have done the same for me."
Kangna says Nikhil has an "amazing perspective and spirit". "He feels the (Rai's) film has to do very well and that would benefit Katti Batti as well. He has given all his dates to accommodate our last schedule. We really appreciate the gesture."
Monday, April 06, 2015 13:17 IST