Actor Salman Khan has filed eight criminal complaints in a Magistrate's court against directors of Cinevistas Ltd for recovery of Rs 26.42 lakh due to him as professional fees
for acting in their film 'Garv-Pride and Honour', released two years ago.
The court had issued bailable warrants against the directors of Cinevista, Sunil Mehta and Premkishen on March two but cancelled them later after they appeared before the
The matter would come up for hearing on May four, according to Salman's lawyer Dipesh Mehta.
Salman had acted in the lead role in the film for which he was promised Rs 26.42 lakh. Accordingly, eight cheques were issued to him under various denominations but they
were dishonoured by the bank with remarks "payment stopped by drawer".
The actor served legal notice on Cinevista and its directors under section 138 of Negotiable Instruments Act on August six last year. When they did not respond, the actor
moved the court.
Salman filed separate complaints of bouncing of eight cheques in a magistrate's court on September 19 last year. A month later, the court issued process against directors
of Cinevista. As they failed to appear, bailable warrants were issued but cancelled after they came before the court.
Monday, March 13, 2006 17:36 IST