When Anushka-Virat jokes took over social media on the day of the cricket World Cup semi-finals, Twitterati tried to counter the effect with their anger and support messages for Anushka and for the couple. One such person was actress Sonal Chauhan, who was following the match closely, and tweeted, "How abt giving @AnushkaSharma the credit for @imVkohli being the best batsman in the world??!!"
We spoke to the actress at an event in the capital, and she said, "I think the whole blame-it-on-Anushka backlash is really, really stupid and the whole thought process is regressiveand idiotic. People who're thinking like that, who're talking about it or even those who're finding it funny, it's ridiculous. Since the time Anushka's been with him, he's performed so well so many times. For that matter, had Virat played well in the semis, would the same people have thanked Anushka for it? The whole thing is stupid and we should not talk about it any more than what has been said already. The two of them are together and happy, and that's what matters. They should pay no heed to these comments, and I think that's what they're doing. I saw some pictures of them returning at the airport and it's really good to see that they're both supporting each other through this whole thing."
She also spoke to us about Delhi being the fashion capital. She said, "There is no denying that Delhi is the fashion capital of the country. This is where serious fashion takes birth and all the trends are formed here. Fashion is a serious industry here. They encourage new designers to come in and take risks, because of which the fashion scene is constantly evolving here."
Wednesday, April 08, 2015 12:46 IST