Shah Rukh Khan has praised cricketer Virat Kohli, who is playing for the Royal Challengers Bangalore in the eigth edition of the Indian Premiere League (IPL). SRK, who is a co-owner of another IPL team Kolkata Knight Riders, praised the star batsman when a fan quizzed the badshah on micro-blogging site Twitter as to what he thought about Virat Kohli. To which SRK replied that Virat's sweet and a gentleman. King Khan also teased Virat last year by hosting a mock swayamvar with Anushka's picture. Back then, the two had not confessed to their relationship.
Cricketer Virat Kohli was seen savouring the moves as his girlfriend Anushka Sharma, who set the floor on fire with her performance at the glitzy opening ceremony of the Indian Premier League at Kolkata on April 7, 2015. TV cameras kept zooming at Kohli as Anushka gyrated to the tunes of her popular movie songs at the Salt Lake Stadium. Seemingly embarrassed at first, the cricket icon was later seen smiling and watching the actress.
Thursday, April 09, 2015 15:25 IST