According to a report in Mumbai Mirror, Sayani Gupta, who plays a blind lesbian in Shonali Bose's Margarita With A Straw, said that her co-star Kalki Koechlin and she had to undergo an intimacy workshop to perform the intimate scenes in a better way. The actress was quoted as saying that, "It is an integral part of the film and it was no big deal for me. I do my part and forget about it. Both Kalki and I went through an 'Intimacy Workshop' with New York based therapist, Monsoon, so that we could better understand the give-and-take equation in the sexual relationship. My eyes were shut and Kalki was on her wheelchair most of the time. We both had to come to terms with our disabilities. Shonali made sure that we didn't see the monitor after the scenes were shot."
According to a report in Mumbai Mirror, Ekta Kapoor has added a nudity clause to her contract to ensure that actors who sign up with her will not be able to object to any sexually-charged scene or provocative dialogue in the script when on the sets. The Central Board of Film Certification's snipping scissors may have scared away several filmmakers but Ekta Kapoor is going ahead with an erotica titled XXX. And to ensure that none of the debutantes working on the project can later object to shooting explicit, sex-charged scenes or mouthing titillating lines, the producer has inserted what is being referred to as the 'nudity clause' in their contract. Ken Ghosh, who is directing the film, has confirmed the news. He is quoted in the report as saying that, "We have already had lots of discussions on how things would be shot and we do not want any problems during the filming. So we decided it was best to put in on paper as a techno-legal clause."
However, the 'nudity clause' will not be restricted to XXX alone. Any actor who signs up with Ekta will have to toe the line. While many actors shy away from intimate scenes, there are others who attend intimacy workshops to get to know their onscreen partner better.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015 08:01 IST