Ranveer Singh will return to the sets of 'Bajirao Mastani' in May. But the actor stepped out of his house for the first time after his surgery on Wednesday evening for the trailer launch of his film 'Dil Dhadakne Do' at Lightbox in Mumbai.
Ranveer seemed to be in his elements and cracked jokes, saying that he feels on top of the world. The actor said he was feeling better, but he will be continuing with his physiotherapy for some more time. He was also all praises for the film's director, Zoya Akhtar.
Ranveer Singh injured himself during the shooting of 'Bajirao Mastani' in February, following which he had to undergo a surgery. He has one film on floor currently and will soon be joining the unit of 'Dil Dhadakne Do' for the promotional tour of the film overseas.
Thursday, April 16, 2015 13:47 IST