Stand-up comedian Sunil Grover, famous for essaying Gutthi on the small screen, will be seen in Bollywood movie "Gabbar Is Back". He hopes it opens the doors of the cinema world for him.
"I consider this film as a turning point in my career, and I hope this project is my gateway to films. I'm extremely nervous and looking forward to this film," Sunil told IANS.
"Gabbar Is Back" is directed by Krish and co-produced by Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Viacom 18 Motion Pictures. Featuring Akshay Kumar and Shruti Haasan in lead roles, the film is slated to release on May 1.
A remake of the 2002 Tamil film "Ramanaa", "Gabbar Is Back" will see Akshay in the role of a vigilante, a righteous man and an enemy of the corrupt.
Describing his role in the film, Sunil said: "I am playing a policeman in this film and it's not a negative role. When I was offered this role, I instantly said 'yes' to this film."
Friday, April 17, 2015 10:53 IST