Deepika Padukone will next be seen in Shoojit Sircar's Piku also starring Amitabh Bachchan and Irrfan , ticked another "to-do" off her bucket list , courtesy the film's shoot. The team of the quirky family drama shot at holyland, Banaras, a city that the star has long wanted to visit but never really got the opportunity to - Apart from walking on the streets and interacting with the locals, Deepika also indulged in the famous Banarasthali, a specialty of the region.
Deepika's quote -Talking about her experience says Deepika Padukone, "It was a very spiritual experience for me. I visited the place for the first time and felt completely at peace. Irrfan and I also walked through the railway station area. We had a location shift and the crew insisted that we sit in the car, but we wanted to walk it up. Being actors we don't get to do that on the road very often. It was a 5-7 min walk, there was a little chai wala, and we sat under a tree to have chai."
Friday, April 17, 2015 11:05 IST