
Miss Massachusetts

Home > Miss Miss America 2007 > Miss Massachusetts

Michaela Gagne

What is your hometown like?
Fall River is a city with a diverse cultural population. Although incomes are small, hearts are large. People have a sense of community and commitment to helping one another.

What were you like when you were a child?
As a child I was energetic, artistic, athletic and determined. I was the child who always asked, "Why?" or "Why not?"

Who is the most influential person in your life?
Aside from my parents playing instrumental roles in my upbringing, my late great Aunt Jeanine was extremely influential. Her wit, unconditional acceptance and ability to acknowledge every special occasion in my life all contributed to her being one of my role models.

What is one thing about you that people you meet may not immediately realize?
People know me as an athlete and artist, as well as being a national spokesperson for the American Heart Association and traveling to Africa to set up a medical clinic. Because of this profile, the one thing that surprises people the most is that I compete in pageants
