
Miss Antigua

Home > Miss Miss World 2004 > Miss Antigua

Shermain Sunja Jeremy

Occupation: Assistant to the Ambassador of Antigua & Barbuda
Height: 175

Shermain has had a great love for dance and song from a very early age, making her singing debut in church choir at the age of 12, she also took many leading parts in the school musicals. In school Shermain was an honour student, Deputy Head Girl, on the debating team and won many speech contests. She also had an athletic side, being on the basketball & track teams, and was awarded MVP for basketball, and athlete of the year. At the beginning of the millennium Sherman moved to NY, attending the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, and became the recipient of the Thrugood Marshall Scholarship for academic excellence and the Student Service Award for excellence in Service on campus and in the community. In June 2004, Shermanin graduated magna cumme laude with a B.A. in International Justice and a minor in English. At this present moment she is employed by the Government of Antigua & Barbuda and is posted in New York at the Permanent Mission to the U.N. where she is the special assistant to the Ambassador. In her leisure time she enjoys: Dancing singing, writing songs and lyrics, reading, track & field events, ballet, Hip Hop and Jazz dance.

Where did you grow up? Tell us a little about your home town/city, and family.
In a small community called Paiham Town. It was the first city until St John’s City came about. Very small, quiet and a close community. My mum teaches in the community. My mum teaches in the community and my dad was once the Parliamentary Representative.

What Jobs have you done? What was the most interesting/bizarre?
I have worked as an usher at the John Jay College Theatre and now I am the special assistant for the Ambassador to the UN at the Antigua and Barbuda Mission. That is the most interesting to me, because I get to meet and work with people from all over the world.

What are your career ambitions, how do you plan to realise them?
My ambitions are to obtain a Masters Degree then go on to Law school where I will pursue International Law. Hopefully that would lead me to working with the ICC or ICJ and maybe one day becomes Antigua and Barbuda’s Ambassador to the UN.

What is the proudest moment of your life? (Not including winning your National Title)
Graduating from college this June with my Bachelors in International Criminal Justice. It took a lot of hard work and sometimes even tears to get to that point, but it was worth it in the end.

What was the funniest/most embarrassing moment of your life?
Falling on the steps of the subway on my way to work one morning.

What was the funniest/most embarrassing moment of your life?
It has become a much more busy life especially since I am posted in New York I had to do a lot of preparations before actually going to China.

Tell us about an interesting event you have attended, or a person that you have met.
In October I had the opportunity to attend a fundraising Dinner for Grenada, Haiti and Jamaica. This was coordinated by all the elected officials from the Borough of Queens in New York and being a part of that event whose cause was so great gave me a feeling of worth.

What would you like to do, if you became Miss World 2004?
I would like to be a role model for youths and for women. I think that young people today need positive people to look up to who can motivate and guide them. By being Miss World, I can motivate other women and set goals and achieve them.

If you had a personal motto what would it be?
"Dream the Impossible Dream and Reach the Unreachable Star" This has been my motto for years. It is what I have lived by and what has brought me to where I am today.

Give details of any charitable work undertaken?
a) Donated clothing and toys during Christmas time to children at the Paediatric ward at the Holberton Hospital in Antigua.
b) Donated clothing, books and appliances to the Good Shephard Home for Girls in Antigua.
c) Conducted a Summer Camp for young people that developed skills in the Arts, i.e. Dance, vocal, Theatre, Modelling and also offered computer classes and other works.


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