
Miss Argentina

Home > Miss Miss World 2004 > Miss Argentina

Veronica Estarriaga


Occupation: Student

Height: 170

Veronica lives in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. She is a third year University Student studying Kinesiologia, one of her future ambitions is to have her own Medical Beauty Centre. In her free time Veronica enjoys sports, especially aerobic and gym. She also loves the sea, and when she has the time she goes to the beach to swim for a long time. Another hobby that she is enjoys is dance, especially jazz dance.

Where did you grow up? Tell us a little about your home town/city, and family.
I was born in Buenos Aires, the capital of my country, Argentina, on the 22nd of September 1980. Since this day I have lived in the city Belen de Escobar. My family is made up of my father, Eduardo, my mother, Celia and my brother Diego. I have one nephew. I am very happy for my beautiful family.

What Jobs have you done? What was the most interesting/bizarre?
I like sports, like aerobics, and I like to write and read poems. The most interesting for me is to write poems.

What are your career ambitions, how do you plan to realise them?
My career ambition is to become a doctor and to have my own medical beauty centre. I guess in a few years time.

What is the proudest moment of your life? (Not including winning your National Title)
The proudest moment was when I was asked to be godmother to my nephew Gonzalo.

What was the funniest/most embarrassing moment of your life?
The difficult moment was when I was in Dolores, Buenos Aires, in a parade in front of many people and I fell over. It was very comical.

What was the funniest/most embarrassing moment of your life?
My life changed a lot when I was crowned, because I am a very simple person and suddenly I was asked to do photo shoots and interviews.

Tell us about an interesting event you have attended, or a person that you have met.
When I met Nadia Cerri, it was a special moment for me. She has changed my life and she gave me a lot opportunities.

What would you like to do, if you became Miss World 2004?
I imagine that I will have the opportunity to travel around the world, meeting people and to have the opportunity to help children, the treasure of the world and the future.

If you had a personal motto what would it be?
"To be or not to be, that is my question"

Give details of any charitable work undertaken?
I am very funny, affectionate and responsible. I smile a big part of the day.


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