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Sarah Janette Davies

Occupation: Student

Sarah spent her early years in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where her father managed the construction of a unique landmark building, and returned to the subtropical city of Brisbane, Queensland for her education. Secondary schooling was in Brisbane where she was involved in many extra curricular activities, music and sport. Her special passion was for Rhythmic Gymnastics and was proud to be the Queensland Champion. She was also elected House Group Sport Captain & Prefect. In her final year of school she participated in a Chinese Exchange program and lived for a few weeks with a family in Shanghai. Since leaving school Sarah has acted in TV commercials and modelled professionally on a part-time basis whilst studying at university, graduating on 12 October 2004 with a Bachelor of Business, majoring in Communication and Public Relations. Sarah’s plans for the future include establishing a career in television. Personal motto is "Nothing happens first unless first a dream".

Where did you grow up? Tell us a little about your home town/city, and family.
Brisbane, situated in the southeast corner of Queensland has been home for the majority of my life. Known as the river city it is a one-hour drive from the stunning beaches of both the Gold and Sunshine Coasts. Our climate is prefect for an outdoor lifestyle. We live in a typical Queensland home (timber with large verandas) that was built over one hundred years ago. We are convinced we share the house with friendly ghosts. The early years of my life were spent in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where my father was Project Manager for the construction of a unique landmark building. My parents, who have been happily married for 31 years, have four daughters of which I am the youngest. I have a loving and supportive family who have influenced me greatly. Also my family wouldn’t be complete without mentioning our black Labrador dog, Baci, named after the Italian chocolates meaning ‘kiss’.

What Jobs have you done? What was the most interesting/bizarre?
This year I worked in the public relations department for The Brisbane Exhibition, Queensland’s largest annual event where country and city come together for 10 days during August. This was a wonderful opportunity to put my university skills and degree into real life practice. Modelling and acting have been my part-time occupations while I completed a Bachelor of Business (Communication/Public Relations) degree at Queenland University of Technology. My most bizarre and perhaps challenging job was doing a television commercial for Conrad Jupiters Hotel on the Gold Coast. While dressed in a long flowing white gown, I spent eight hours suspended in a flying harness, 3 metres above the ground to simulate falling from the sky.

What are your career ambitions, how do you plan to realise them?
In the future I look forward to utilising and combining the skills, knowledge and experience gained from my university studies with that from the modelling industry to leverage a position in television as a presenter or newsreader. I have many plans for the future and I know that this experience in the Miss World Pageant and my year as Miss World Australia will contribute and assist me in realising them.

What is the proudest moment of your life? (Not including winning your National Title)
The proudest moment of my life was winning the Level 8 Queensland State Title for Rhythmic Gymnastics and proceeding to the national level of competition. This was a culmination of many years of disciplined training and dedication. Recently, my greatest accomplishment would be graduating from university with a Bachelor of Business degree majoring in Communication and Public Relations.

What was the funniest/most embarrassing moment of your life?
Maybe the most embarrassing but also hilarious moment of my life was being chosen from the crowd by an entertainment during a Cirque Du Soleil performance. I was humiliated in front of the audience while the clowns played various tricks on me. Luckily I was able to appreciate the entertainment I was providing for the huge crowd.

What was the funniest/most embarrassing moment of your life?
With my new role as Miss World Australia, my days have become much more structured in terms of fulfilling all the associated responsibilities. The transition from full time studies and an active working life into my new positions has been very smooth. I am enthusiastically preparing for the month-long Miss World Pageant. I value the honour to be representing my country and to promote the beauty of our land and its people. Since my crowning, I have been encouraged by the enthusiasm and positive response of many Australians. The most satisfying and heart-warming aspect of my title is that it offers the opportunity to aid charities that touch many young lives in Australia. Our future is only as bright and hopeful as the health and optimism of our youth.

Tell us about an interesting event you have attended, or a person that you have met.
Attending the Opening Ceremony of the Sydney Olympics in 2000 was a memorable event. It had a great impact on me as it captured the essence of Australia’s history and way of life. My country was filled with national pride and enthusiasm. We are a small nation in numbers and a long distance from the rest of the world, however I believe these factors contribute to the way Australians embrace opportunities with enthusiasm and commitment whenever we are on the world stage.

What would you like to do, if you became Miss World 2004?
Should I be crowned Miss World 2004, it will be a moment of great happiness and pride in representing my country and also a realisation of enormous responsibility - that of helping children and upholding the values and philosophy of the Miss World Organisation and children’s charities. I would embrace the theme ‘Beauty with a Purpose’ and passionately convey the message of compassion, friendship and understanding to many places throughout the world. We cannot change the world, but we can certainly make it a little better.

If you had a personal motto what would it be?
Nothing happens first unless first a dream.

Give details of any charitable work undertaken?
Since my early school days, I have had a great interest in the activities of World Vision and have assisted in fundraising for that organisation, Australian Red Cross and several others as well as voluntary work at the St Andrew’s Hospital canteen. During secondary school, I was a member of both the Interact and Leukaemia Committee.

I have modelled in many charity parades, including the Abused Child Trust and for Breast Cancer ‘Think Pink’ Campaigns. This month, I have been assisting my parents as they prepare our garden to be open to the public for a weekend to generate funds for the charity, Autism Queensland. In my role as Miss World Australia, I am honoured to continue my strong belief in charity work, but obviously on a much wider scale.


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