Cheers to BEER!

  • Cheers to BEER!

    Cheers to BEER!

  • Surprise!


    Beer may have a bad reputation but it has several surprising health benefits.

  • Antioxidants And Minerals

    Antioxidants And Minerals

    Beer has a number of natural antioxidants and vitamins that can help prevent heart disease and even rebuild muscle.

  • Energy Builder

    Energy Builder

    Beer has one of the highest energy contents of any food or drink. Of course, this means you need to set limits. Too many beers can make you fat!

  • Keep it Light

    Keep it Light

    With only 100 calories per 12-ounce bottle, light beer lets you kick back with a cold one for fewer calories!

  • Hearty!


    According to a study people who drink one to two alcoholic drinks of any kind are less likely to suffer from heart disease.

  • Source of Fiber

    Source of Fiber

    Made from barley, beer contains beta-glucans - a type of soluble fiber credited with improving heart health by lowering cholesterol levels.

  • Think Tank

    Think Tank

    Knocking back a beer or two won't make you smarter, but it could boost your creativity, according to a study.

  • Bye Bye, Kidney stones

    Bye Bye, Kidney stones

    Researchers in Finland found that each bottle of beer a man drinks daily lowers his risk of developing kidney stones by 40 percent.

  • Get Immune!

    Get Immune!

    Having one or two drinks a day might boost your immune system and fight infections.

  • Practice Moderation

    Practice Moderation

    Remember, everything- even beer- in moderation! Too much is... well, too much!


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