Revealed...Secrets of Marriage Bliss!
Revealed...Secrets of Marriage Bliss!
Too many break ups...too many divorces! We bring you tips to stay married. Here's how...
Give Compliments
Give compliments to your partner, be supportive, also encouragement and subtle non-sexual rewards, such as hand holding - are the happiest.
Don't Talk Routine Stuff
Not all the time! Talk of anything other than work, family, the household or the relationship to infuse freshness.
Focus On The Positive
When you begin to feel irritated with your partner, instead of thinking of everything you don't like, turn your thoughts towards all the good things you like!
Your Life is Yours!
Give each other space, connect with friends and family, pursue your own interests and be of service to others otherwise you'll be over-focused to your partner which could lead to tension or problem in a relationship.
No Boredom Please!
Couples who keep doing novel things together stay married. Novelty drives up the dopamine system in the brain and can help to sustain feelings of true romantic love.
Sex- Lots of It!
'Have sex regularly. Remember, sexual love sustain feelings of romantic love.