SantaBanta.Com Turns 10

  • SantaBanta.Com Turns 10

    SantaBanta.Com Turns 10

    We do shake hands and celebrate the birthday of our beloved website. But it's not every year that it gets an anniversary like this - ten years! One decade! My goodness, that's a lot, isn't it?

  • Early Days

    Early Days

    We take you back to the early days of our website. Perhaps many of you weren't following us back then but there will be some of you that remember that layout. It's through your loyalty that we have prevailed and sustained after all!

  • Awww!


    Were we really this way? We ask ourselves. Just like we exclaim when we look at our baby pictures. But this was us all right. On the way to become what we are now.

  • Thank You, Users!

    Thank You, Users!

    Today, we're different. And a lot of that we owe to you. Your loyalty, your suggestions and your logging on to Santabanta.Com

  • We Try!

    We Try!

    You must admit that we listen and we always try harder than before. We are betting that we see you around here 10 years from now. We'll probably be going hysterical over this layout that we've done today!

  • Stick Around Folks!

    Stick Around Folks!

    One decade has passed and we hope that we will be able to grow with your needs, and provide entertainment for decades to come. One decade seems ever so long, but its really too short. We plan to be here a long time. Keep logging on to check on us!

    To wish us please click here.


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