Britney Spears Exposed !

  • Britney Spears Exposed !

    Britney Spears Exposed !

    Some shocking new allegations have been made about princess of pop, Britney Spears.

  • 'Security' Blown!

    'Security' Blown!

    Britany's Ex-security guard, Fernando Flores claims that Britney Spears took drug cocktails and never wore deodorant.

  • Drugs!


    Apparantly, Britney Spears used various drugs including methamphetamines and a drug used to treat heroin or morphine overdoses.

  • Yuck, Britney!

    Yuck, Britney!

    Flores claims that the singer breaks wind and picks her nose 'unapologetically,' does not shower for days on end, or brushes her teeth or ever wore deodorant.

  • Horrid Hygine

    Horrid Hygine

    Spears, according to Flores, had obnoxious personal habits, such as chain smoking cigarettes, which made her smell continually of stale tobacco.

  • Sexual Harassesment Too?

    Sexual Harassesment Too?

    Flores alleges he faced a series of sexual advances from Spears, 29, who paraded naked in front of him and often beckoned him into her bedroom for sex.


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