Are You A Sex-Addict ?

  • Are You A Sex-Addict ?

    Are You A Sex-Addict ?

    Does sex have a hold on you?

    Here are some questions intended to help you be more aware of some behaviors that perhaps indicate that sex has a hold on you.

    If you answer yes to three or more questions it probably is wise to take a closer look at the place of sex in your life.

  • Behaviour


    1) Do I have sex at inappropriate times, inappropriate places and/or with the wrong people?

    2) Do I make promises to myself or rules for myself concerning my sexual behavior that I find I cannot follow?

  • STDs


    3) Have I lost count of the number of sexual partners I've had in the past 3 years?

    4) Do I have sex regardless of the consequences (e.g. the threat of being caught, the risk of contracting herpes, gonorrhea, AIDS, etc.)?

  • Fantasy


    5) Do I feel uncomfortable about my masturbation, the fantasies I engage in, the props I use, and/or the places in which I do it?

    6) Do I feel jaded, exhausted, and cynical? Am I on the path to that?

  • Escape Route

    Escape Route

    7) Do I feel that my life is unmanageable because of my sexual behavior?

    8) Do I have sex as a way to deal with or escape from life's problems? Do I feel entitled to sex? Do I feel as though I have earned sex?

  • Personal Life

    Personal Life

    9) Do I have a serious relationship threatened or destroyed because of outside sexual activity on my part?

    10) Do I feel that my sexual life affects my spiritual life in a negative way?


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