Mr HPS Lamba-CEO, Cheers Foods (P) Ltd.(1987-89), presenting his view point to the audience
Mr DD Mittal(Standing), who started the Yahoo Group of PSMS being acknowledged by the house
A PSMSian shares her viewpoint during the open house
Mr Gurbachan Singh Virk(1987-89) appreciating the work of PSMS Alumuni Forum
A PSMSian shares his views during the open house
Mr Navjot Singh Warraich(1987-89), a practising lawyer and owner of Himalya Public School, Karnal talking about dreams and PSMS AF
Prof. AS Chawla discussing on the role of PSMS AF and PSMS Faculty in making PSMS, a dream destination for doing MBA
Prof Chadha addressing the audience
Mr IPS Chadha proposing a formal vote of thanks to the participants
From Right to Left, Mr. PS Sidhu, Dr. S.K. Bansal, Dr. G.S. Batra, Mr.J.D.Ghai, Mr. IPS Chadha, Er. Sandeep Virdi. 2nd Row, From Right to Left, Dr. Amarinder Singh, Er. A.S.Marwaha, Dr. A.S.Chawla, Dr. BB Singla, Er. A.S. Chadha
PSMSians with the faculty
From Right to Left Er. A.S. Chadha (Extreme Right), Dr. Sanjay Modi, Mr. P.S. sidhu, Dr. S.K. Bansal, Dr. G.S. Batra, Dr. A.S. Chawla with 1989 batch and their spouses