Dan Scanlon, the director of 2013's "Monsters University" is back with his latest animation feature. The film titled "Onward" brings MCU alums Tom Holland and Chris Pratt together once again as brothers who get to spend one day with their father by the grace of magic.
"Onward" is set in a magical world populated with elves, trolls, centaurs, fauns, satyrs, gnomes, sprites, goblins, and all other mystical creatures. This world, however, where fairy tale was once the reality, is losing its sense of magic. Its inhabitants use machines such as mobile phones and cars instead of magic. Two teenage elf brothers, Ian and Barley Lightfoot (Tom Holland and Chris Pratt), embark on a quest to discover if there is still magic in the world to spend a day with their father, who died when they were too young to remember him.
"Onward" is co-written by Dan Scanlon and C.S Anderson and directed by Dan Scanlon. It stars Tom Holland, Chris Pratt, Julia-Louis Dreyfous, and Octavia Spencer. The film has a theatrical release date of March 6, 2020.