As the first trailer shows, family patriarch Frank Murphy, voiced by Burr himself, is `still alive` and struggling not just with the new baby and the return of a father he hates. He also has to navigate three children in various states of becoming their own people. Oldest son Kevin (voiced by Justin Long) finds himself drawn to a girl with similar tastes as him; and youngest children Bill (voiced by Haley Reinhart) and Maureen (voiced by Debi Derryberry) find themselves trying to garner attention with the men in their lives.
`F Is for Family` has been going strong since its debut in 2014 and has garnered consistently positive reviews, no surprise considering co-creator Price won an Emmy for his work on another animated family sitcom, `The Simpsons.` Burr has also kept himself busy in-between seasons of the show, having a prominent role on the Disney+ series `The Mandalorian` last year, a role he's set to reprise.
`F Is for Family` Season 4 drops on Netflix June 12.