The Tamil adaptation of the audience favourite original series Comicstaan, titled Comicstaan Semma Comedy Pa is sure saw an exclusive release on Amazon Prime Video on 11th September. Every viewer has been laughing their hearts out in every episode and one of the things which the viewers have really loved all across is the unique and different topics, one of them being recent hot news of Dhoni's retirement
Earlier today, a clip was released where a contestant is giving a hilarious take on the topic of Dhoni's retirement and how the contestant was relatable enough for all the cricket lovers and even for those who didn't know much about it.
The audience had a great laughter riot and the judges too didn't shy away from laughing out loud. For people who don't understand Tamil there's subtitles too so there's no escape from laughter.
The series has Tamil's top three comedians Praveen Kumar, Karthik Kumar and Rajmohan Arumugam mentor the selected contestants who compete in the 8 episodes to become the king or queen in the Tamil stand up scene.
Produced by Only Much Louder (OML), Comicstaan Tamil has been directed by Arjun Karthikeyan and written by D. Jai Adhitya and Mervyn Rozario A are the writers of the series. Watch all episodes of Comicstaan Tamil exclusively on Amazon Prime Video and have a great laughing start to the week
Tuesday, September 22, 2020 11:18 IST