Sony SAB’s recently launched Tenali Rama has returned with an exciting new story. The show also marks the return of the clever and witty Raj Guru Tathacharya, played by the talented and seasoned actor Pankaj Berry. The much-loved and iconic character is known for his shrewdness and cunning nature and is seen engaging in his trademark battle of wit with Tenali (played by Krishna Bharadwaj).
Tathacharya, a scholar and advisor in the court of King Krishnadevaraya (Aditya Redij), is set to create challenges for Tenali Rama as he returns to Vijayanagar. With Tenali returning to a kingdom he has been banished from, Tathacharya is more determined than ever to outwit him and maintain his influence in King Krishnadevaraya’s court. While their rivalry is often the source of banter, Tathacharya’s relentless efforts to undermine Tenali lead to unforeseen consequences, making their interactions humorous, and filled with an unexpected camaraderie.
Speaking about his character, Pankaj Berry said, “Tathacharya is full of wit, mischief, and charm, making him both a challenge and a joy to portray. Bringing his quirks and humor to life has been a rewarding experience. What I love most about Tathacharya is his ability to entertain, whether through his rivalry with Tenali or his amusing antics. Roles like this are rare, and I feel grateful to have the opportunity to bring such an iconic character to life. I hope the audience continues to enjoy this journey with us.”
Watch Tathacharya and Tenali’s rivalry reach new heights as they find themselves at loggerheads once again.
Tune in to Tenali Rama every Monday to Saturday at 8:00 PM
Friday, December 27, 2024 15:06 IST