In a bizarre incident that occurred in the Nagamangala taluk of the Mandya district recently, a man's secret extramarital affair came to light when he gave his lent his phone to his teenage daughter for her online classes.
When in possession of the phone, the girl found an intimate video of her father with another woman after which she told her mother about her discovery, TOI reported. Police sources have said that the affair was discovered in October.
Now, the wife wants a separation, while the husband is determined to be reunited with his family. She has approached the police and some women's organisations in order to seek action against her husband, who is reportedly a history-sheeter. Now, the organisations, as well as the police, are trying to resolve the family dispute.
According to the TOI report, the couple has been married for 18 years and have two teenage daughters of the age of 15 and 17. The older daughter, who is in Class 12, was the one who discovered the affair between her father and another woman, who just so happens to be a relative.
Meanwhile, the police have filed a non-cognizable report. Action cannot be taken against the man, despite his wife's demands, as adultery is no longer an offence, the cops informed. However, the husband can be prosecuted under provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000.
According to the police, the attempts to broker peace between the husband and wife have been in vain so far.
All that remains to be seen now is whether the video on the phone was taken without the woman's consent and if the same was forwarded to other devices, said an officer.