Motivational SMS

  • Never assume good times would continue to roll on. You have to continue to work hard, deliver and be your best every day, day after day!Upload to Facebook
    Never assume good times would continue to roll on. You have to continue to work hard, deliver and be your best every day, day after day!
  • Don't confuse your path with your destination. Just because it's stormy, it doesn't mean that you are not headed for sunshine!Upload to Facebook
    Don't confuse your path with your destination. Just because it's stormy, it doesn't mean that you are not headed for sunshine!
  • Don't cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it!Upload to Facebook
    Don't cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it!
  • We forget about dreams when we enter reality, but we also forget about reality when we enter dreams!Upload to Facebook
    We forget about dreams when we enter reality, but we also forget about reality when we enter dreams!
  • Life doesn't just throw the things to you that you desire most. You have to earn them with every bit of your blood and sweat!Upload to Facebook
    Life doesn't just throw the things to you that you desire most. You have to earn them with every bit of your blood and sweat!
  • Imagine with all your mind.<br/>
Believe with all your heart.<br/>
Achieve with all your might!Upload to Facebook
    Imagine with all your mind.
    Believe with all your heart.
    Achieve with all your might!
  • Travel at your own pace.<br/>
You'll arrive!Upload to Facebook
    Travel at your own pace.
    You'll arrive!
  • Just because you did something wrong in the past doesn't mean you can't advocate against it now. It doesn't make you a hypocrite.</br>
You just grew.</br>
Don't let people use your past to invalidate your current mindset!Upload to Facebook
    Just because you did something wrong in the past doesn't mean you can't advocate against it now. It doesn't make you a hypocrite.
    You just grew.
    Don't let people use your past to invalidate your current mindset!
  • In our hard times, God gives us chance to realize our mistakes, to improve ourselves. So never take a hard time as a punishment. It's a blessing from God!Upload to Facebook
    In our hard times, God gives us chance to realize our mistakes, to improve ourselves. So never take a hard time as a punishment. It's a blessing from God!
  • Wisdom is not cheap.</br>
It costs ego, hatred, desire, solitude and some really hard life-lessons!Upload to Facebook
    Wisdom is not cheap.
    It costs ego, hatred, desire, solitude and some really hard life-lessons!