One-liners SMS

  • What do pigs use in the shower?<br />
Hogwash!Upload to Facebook
    What do pigs use in the shower?
  • Dear Vegetarians,<br />
If you want to save animals then why are you eating their food?Upload to Facebook
    Dear Vegetarians,
    If you want to save animals then why are you eating their food?
  • You know Bruce Lee was fast, but he had an even faster brother...<br/>
Sudden Lee!Upload to Facebook
    You know Bruce Lee was fast, but he had an even faster brother...
    Sudden Lee!
  • Tried to peel a pomegranate.<br/>
Took me Anaar!Upload to Facebook
    Tried to peel a pomegranate.
    Took me Anaar!
  • Did you hear the one about the greedy peanut butter?<br />
I am not telling you. You might spread it!
Upload to Facebook
    Did you hear the one about the greedy peanut butter?
    I am not telling you. You might spread it!
  • What do you call a man with a rubber toe?<br />
Upload to Facebook
    What do you call a man with a rubber toe?
  • Bunty: Bro, can you pass me that pamphlet?<br/>
Pappu: Brochure!Upload to Facebook
    Bunty: Bro, can you pass me that pamphlet?
    Pappu: Brochure!
  • Why was the fraction apprehensive about marrying the decimal?<br/>
Because he would have to convert!Upload to Facebook
    Why was the fraction apprehensive about marrying the decimal?
    Because he would have to convert!
  • People say being a waiter is a bad job.</br></br>

...but, hey, it puts food on the table!Upload to Facebook
    People say being a waiter is a bad job.

    ...but, hey, it puts food on the table!
  • What did the computer say to the other after a 16-hour car ride?</br>
`Damn that was a hard drive!`Upload to Facebook
    What did the computer say to the other after a 16-hour car ride?
    "Damn that was a hard drive!"