There's nothing better than good sex. But bad sex? A peanut butter and jelly sandwich is better than bad sex. Billy Joel |
Remember, sex is like a Chinese dinner. It ain't over 'til you both get your cookie. Alec Baldwin |
I tend to think that cricket is the greatest thing that God ever created on earth - certainly greater than sex, although sex isn't too bad either. Harold Pinter |
Woman is the dominant sex. Men have to do all sorts of stuff to prove that they are worthy of woman's attention. Camille Paglia |
Sex is hardly ever just about sex. Shirley MacLaine |
Sex is like money; only too much is enough. John Updike |
The beautiful feeling after writing a poem is on the whole better even than after sex, and that's saying a lot. Anne Sexton |
Amazing that the human race has taken enough time out from thinking about food or sex to create the arts and sciences. Mason Cooley |
Sex lies at the root of life, and we can never learn to reverence life until we know how to understand sex. Henry Ellis |
Sex and older women used to be considered an oxymoron, rarely mentioned in the same breath. Gail Sheehy |