Chiasmus Quotes

  • O, popular applause! What heart of man is proof against thy sweet, seducing charms?Upload to Facebook
    O, popular applause! What heart of man is proof against thy sweet, seducing charms?
    ~ William Cowper
  • The instinct of a man is to pursue everything that flies from him, and to fly from all that pursue him.Upload to Facebook
    The instinct of a man is to pursue everything that flies from him, and to fly from all that pursue him.
    ~ Voltaire
  • Planning without action is futile, action without planning is fatal.Upload to Facebook
    Planning without action is futile, action without planning is fatal.
    ~ Author Unknown
  • It is not Titles that honor Men, but Men that honor Titles.Upload to Facebook
    It is not Titles that honor Men, but Men that honor Titles.
    ~ Niccolo Machiavelli
  • Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.
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    Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.
    ~ Albert Einstein
  • In the Halls of Justice, the only justice is in the halls.
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    In the Halls of Justice, the only justice is in the halls.
    ~ Lenny Bruce
  • Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.Upload to Facebook
    Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.
    ~ Thomas Henry Huxley