Infatuation Quotes

  • Honesty is a heart that betrays itself for a dream, a moment, a kiss.Upload to Facebook
    Honesty is a heart that betrays itself for a dream, a moment, a kiss.
    ~ Shannon L. Alder
  • It is difficult to love someone who loves you, but easy to hate someone who loves you, and love someone who hates you.Upload to Facebook
    It is difficult to love someone who loves you, but easy to hate someone who loves you, and love someone who hates you.
    ~ Michael Bassey Johnson
  • Next to being married, a girl likes to be crossed in love a little now and then.Upload to Facebook
    Next to being married, a girl likes to be crossed in love a little now and then.
    ~ Jane Austen
  • I stalk about her door like a strange soul upon the Stygian banks staying for wattage.Upload to Facebook
    I stalk about her door like a strange soul upon the Stygian banks staying for wattage.
    ~ William Shakespeare
  • When you have seen as much of life as I have, you will not underestimate the power of obsessive love.Upload to Facebook
    When you have seen as much of life as I have, you will not underestimate the power of obsessive love.
    ~ J.K. Rowling
  • After a semester or so, my infatuation with computers burnt out as quickly as it had begun.Upload to Facebook
    After a semester or so, my infatuation with computers burnt out as quickly as it had begun.
    ~ Eric Allin Cornell
  • Infatuation is like a drug that gives you the best high yet gives you the worst headache after.Upload to Facebook
    Infatuation is like a drug that gives you the best high yet gives you the worst headache after.
    ~ Luke Blaise Pereira