When Volvo invented the three-point seat belt in 1959, they made the patent-free for all competitors to use in order to save lives, saying "It had more value as a free life-saving tool than something to profit from." |
In the ancient Persian Empire, men used to debate ideas twice, once sober and once drunk, because the idea had to sound good in both states in order to be considered a good idea! |
During the siege of Jerusalem in 1917, the British began to airdrop cigarettes filled with large doses of Opium, hoping that the Ottomans would smoke them and become too stoned to fight. The plan worked. |
Human saliva contains a painkiller called Opiorphin that is six times more powerful than Morphine! |
Greek Philosopher Chrysippus died from laughing at one of his own jokes! |
In North Korea, you are forced to choose one of 28 government approved haircuts! |
Flip the Bell Peppers over to check their gender. The ones with four bumps are females and those with three bumps are male. The female peppers are full of seeds, but sweeter and better for eating raw and the males are better for cooking! |
The lowest form of accommodation in Victorian England was the access to bend over a rope for the night at the price of a penny. Usually used by drunken sailors who had spent all their money drinking. It's said to be the origin of the term 'Hangover'! |
During the late 1800s, a baboon was employed by the railroad as a signalman. He never once made a mistake and worked for the railroad until his death. |
Quarantena: Persian scholar of medicine, Ibn Sina (980-1037), suspected that some diseases were spread by microorganisms; to prevent human-to-human contamination, he came up with the method of isolating people for 40 days. He called this method al-Arba'iniya (`the forty`). Traders from Venice heard of his success and took this knowledge back to Italy. They called it 'quarantine', the forty in Italian. This is where the word quarantine comes from! |