English Trivia

  • Apodyopsis<br/>
(n.) the act of mentally undressing someoneUpload to Facebook
    (n.) the act of mentally undressing someone
  • Alharaca<br/>

(n.) a extraordinary or violent emotional reaction to a small issue.Upload to Facebook
    (n.) a extraordinary or violent emotional reaction to a small issue.
  • Mangata (n.)<br/>
the glimmering, road like reflection the moon creates on water.Upload to Facebook
    Mangata (n.)
    the glimmering, road like reflection the moon creates on water.
  • Columbusing (n.)<br/>
when white people claim to have discovered something that has been around for years, decades, or centuries.Upload to Facebook
    Columbusing (n.)
    when white people claim to have discovered something that has been around for years, decades, or centuries.
  • Procaffeinating (n.)<br/>
the tendency to not start anything until you've had a cup of coffee.Upload to Facebook
    Procaffeinating (n.)
    the tendency to not start anything until you've had a cup of coffee.
  • Procaffinator (n.)<br/>
One who puts off tasks until after the first cup of coffee or tea.Upload to Facebook
    Procaffinator (n.)
    One who puts off tasks until after the first cup of coffee or tea.
  • Bombinate (v)<br />
to make a humming or buzzing noise.Upload to Facebook
    Bombinate (v)
    to make a humming or buzzing noise.
  • Melomanie<br/>

(n.) an excessive and abnormal love and deep attraction to music and melody.Upload to Facebook
    (n.) an excessive and abnormal love and deep attraction to music and melody.
  • NIBLINGS<br/>

The plural, ender- neutral term for nephews and nieces.
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    The plural, ender- neutral term for nephews and nieces.

(n) a person who loves sea , oceans.Upload to Facebook
    (n) a person who loves sea , oceans.