Relationship Graffiti

  • Dating a vampire puts a drain on the relationship.
  • If it weren't for the rains, people would be all dry.
  • The people we least relate to are called relatives.Upload to Facebook
    The people we least relate to are called relatives.
  • Nothing's more expensive than a woman who is free on the weekend.
  • Never force yourself to have a space in anyone's life because if they really know your worth, they'll surely create one for you.
  • Firefox private browsing mode:
    Saving relationships since June 2009!
  • If a person's relationship has more issues than a magazine stand, I suggest one cancel the subscription.
  • I'm still missing my ex, but my aim is getting better.
  • Pretty is only skin deep. Mean goes all the way to the bone.
  • A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.